About DeecreationzByDiana
Hello everyone; My name is Diana. My Mom actually taught me to crochet. However, I didn't get attached to crochet until later though. You see, I have seizures and after the first few, I was very depressed. I love to work and it's very hard to keep a job when people find out you have this sort of disability. When I picked up a hook again, I instantly felt better and I made an amigurmi, a little stuffed bunny. It made me very happy. I accomplished something; after feeling so incredibly depressed. I haven't stopped. I basically crochet every day and it really does bring me joy. After a few weeks, friends and family began to compliment my work and would start to ask if they could buy something from me. After completing the project that they had asked for; I would deliver it to them and see their reactions. It was absolutely amazing to watch their faces light up. I couldn't believe that something I had made brought others joy. Crocheting has definitely boosted my confidence and now I can't possibly imagine my life without it. I felt like nothing and created something. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading my story.
LOVE IT. Hello Kitty and its small friend came. My daughter will ecstatic. Wonderful craft and the cutest thing ever. I think I am more excited about it than my daughter. THANK YOU!!!!
- Rahsham